People often think that ADHD only affects children. While ADHD can begin in childhood, it can continue through adolescence and into adulthood. Talk to your primary care provider about getting an evaluation for ADHD.
What is ADHD?
ADHD affects a person's ability to focus and pay attention. ADHD also can cause hyperactivity, anxiety and impulsivity. ADHD can affect people differently. Some people with ADHD say things without thinking or have issues with organization or sitting still. ADHD can be mild, moderate or severe. There is no one test to diagnose ADHD. Patients are evaluated by clinicians reviewing various contributing factors and establishing a unique treatment plan.
ADHD symptoms
There are many ADHD symptoms that may change over time. People with ADHD may experience less hyperactivity or impulsivity as they get older. Symptoms include:
- Trouble paying attention
- Daydreaming
- Getting anxious easily
- Hyperactivity
- Impatience
- Trouble keeping track of things
- Trouble controlling emotions
- Trouble analyzing social settings
ADHD treatment
People with ADHD can be treated with medication and behavior therapy. Medication can help keep patients focused and calm. Behavior therapy teaches people to control their emotions and behavior. Behavior therapy can be helpful in social settings, like school and work. Medication and behavior therapy may be combined, if needed.
MaineHealth cares about your physical and mental health
Counseling, therapy and other behavioral health services are available at most MaineHealth primary care practices. Contact your primary care provider for more information.