Maine Behavioral Health care offers behavioral health and case management services for deaf and hard-of-hearing people of all ages. Our licensed deaf services clinicians understand the unique challenges of our patients and their families. They are skilled in American Sign Language (ASL), spoken English, Signed Exact English (SEE), Visual Gesturing (VG) and are familiar with Deaf culture.
We can help individuals who may be dealing with:
- Anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder
- Parenting challenges
- Behavioral and emotional problems in children
- Abusive/destructive relationships
- Sexual and physical abuse
- Family crisis
- Grief and acceptance of a hearing loss diagnose
- Speech sound disorders
Available Services
- Assessments and evaluations
- Psychotherapy
- Screening and diagnose
- Individual or group therapy
- Family therapy
Case Management
Our case managers partner with clients and their support system to evaluate, monitor and coordinate services that support behavioral health. This includes:
- Care planning
- Facilitation of services
- Coordination
- Evaluation
- Client advocacy
Contact Us for Services
Maine Behavioral Healthcare
165 Lancaster Street
Portland, ME 04101
Call: 1-844-292-0111
TTY Users Dial 711 (Maine Relay)
Serving the State of Maine for over 20 years!
As the only deaf behavioral health service provider contracted with the state of Maine, our team offers provides resource for families, health care professionals and the community. Our goal is to to remove communication barriers that may get in the way of receiving care for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Services are available in person and through telehealth platforms.
- Connect children, parents and families to community resources.
- Coordinate services and streamline communication between multiple providers and organizations.
- Develop trainings and consultations
- Provide consultations and resources to providers
- Educational Webinars for families and teens
- Offer support groups for Deaf/hard of hearing teens and parents
Through our advocacy efforts we seek to increase knowledge and awareness of needs unique to the Deaf and hearing impaired community.
We offer:
- Parenting skills training
- Collaboration with individuals and agencies to improve accessibility
- Consultation for caregivers
- Advocacy Trainings to Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teens
- Consultation for resources and Mental Health services to Community Members and Providers
- Provision of Mental Health, Culture, and Hearing Loss trainings
- Provision of Support Groups to children and families
Contact us to learn more about our specialized programming with the state of Maine:
Maine Behavioral Healthcare
165 Lancaster Street
Portland, ME 04101
Call: 1-844-292-0111
TTY Users Dial 711 (Maine Relay)