Shock wave therapy is the most common treatment for kidney stones. There is no surgery. Using shock waves outside the body, your urologist can break up the kidney stones. Also called extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), shock wave therapy is a completely non-invasive procedure. ESWL may be an option if your kidney stones cause:
Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Damage to kidneys
Is ESWL right for me?
The following people may not be qualified for shock wave therapy:
Patients who need immediate treatment
Patients on blood thinners
Patients with certain types of kidney stones
Patients with chronic kidney infections
Patients with scar tissue of the ureter (the tube going from the kidney to the bladder)
Pregnant women
Speak with your provider to see if ESWL is an option to treat your kidney stones. You will need to undergo a restricted diet the day before the procedure. Over-the-counter laxatives will need to be taken as well. You cannot drink or eat anything after midnight before ESWL. Speak with your primary care provider and specialty doctor about which medications you may need to stop taking before the surgery.
ESWL Recovery
You will likely be in the recovery room for one to two hours after the procedure. You will most likely be discharged the same day. Passing the kidney stone fragments may still be painful. Your doctor will usually prescribe pain relievers to help.Sometimes, additional treatments are needed if stone fragments remain.