Pen Bay Medical Center
Three People Smiling With A Forest And Woods In The Background

Contact us

Did you know that many answers to your questions can be found on our website? Please take a look to see if your questions have already been answered.

If you have a medical question, please contact your primary care provider. If you do not have one, please view our list of providers currently accepting new patients.

You can also contact us:

By Phone


Whether it’s a concern with billing, a need for directions or a patient complaint, our switchboard team is well-versed in getting you where you need to go.

If you get voicemail when transferred, please leave a message and share why you are calling.

It is our goal to get back to you as quickly as possible, but it may take several days. We appreciate your patience.

Please contact your provider’s office directly to reschedule an appointment.

By Mail

Please feel free to write us a letter and send it to:

Pen Bay Medical Center
6 Glen Cove Drive
Rockport, ME 04856

Hospital & Facilities

Please visit our hospital and facilities page for a list of locations and phone numbers. 

Latest News

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Pen Bay, Waldo Expand Cardiac Rehab Offerings

Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital have expanded their cardiac rehab class offerings, making it easier for patients to take care of their heart health.

Pen Bay Medical Center’s Rockland Health Center to Open October 19

Later this month, Pen Bay Medical Center will open the doors of its new Rockland Health Center, located within the Rockland Plaza at 75 Maverick St., when it opens its relocated Walk-in Care practice Saturday, October 19.

Pen Bay Medical Center is nationally recognized for its commitment to providing high-quality stroke care

The American Heart Association presents Get With The Guidelines® - Stroke GoldPlus award for proven dedication to ensuring all stroke patients have access to best practices and life-saving care