Mission, values, leadership, fees and more
Get help with nutrition, health insurance, personal emergency response systems, social services and more.
Telehealth care lets you connect with your health care providers from the comfort of home
Supportive hospice and palliative care for all ages in mid coast Maine
Pay a bill online, get help with billing questions, learn about financial assistance and more
Care for newborns and children up to the age of 18 with special needs
We have a range of home health services that keep adults independent and living at home
Learn about open positions at MaineHealth Care at Home.
Proud to be part of the MaineHealth family
We are proud to be part of MaineHealth, a not-for-profit, integrated health system whose vision is, “Working together so our communities are the healthiest in America.” MaineHealth is committed to a mission of providing high-quality affordable care, educating tomorrow's caregivers and researching better ways to provide care.