MaineHealth Vocational Services is a leader in the field of employment for people with disabilities. The department, CARF-accredited in Community Employment Services, provides services to individuals with disabilities and also provides technical assistance and training to community rehabilitation agencies, employers and schools.
Contributing to the health and wealth of the community by supporting individuals to overcome barriers and achieve meaningful employment, is why we come to work each day. Our vision is to provide leadership and promote systemic change by delivering quality vocational services, fostering access and creating community alliances that support people.
People are our focus. Honesty, integrity, openness and respect for others are our grounding principles. Diversity, growth, imagination and innovation are keys to our ongoing success.
Join Our Team
We seek skilled, committed professionals to help us deliver high-quality vocational services. If that’s you, we invite you to take the first step on a career journey of professional advancement and personal fulfillment.
Helpful Resources
Social Security Administration
Main Social Security Administration Website
Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS) Overview/Application/Instructions
Social Security's Red Book on Work Incentives
Employment & Disability in Maine
MaineCare Option for Workers with Disabilities
Going To Work: A Guide to Social Security Benefits and Employment for Young People with Disabilities (2009 Edition)
Employment For Maine
Disclosure of Disability Information at a One-Stop Career Center: Tips and Guidelines
College is Possible for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Maine Career Center
Ticket to Work Employment Network Directory
Maine Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Maine Department of Health and Human Services - Adult Services Listing
Maine Department of Health and Human Services - Office Directory
211 Maine
Client Assistance Program
A Guide to Services for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
The Campaign for Disability Employment
Maine Can Work Booklet