Maine Behavioral Healthcare (MBH) is part of the MaineHealth integrated health system. Our local board is organized as a committee under the MaineHealth Board of Trustees.
The following individuals have been elected to the MBH local board:
Karen Simone, PharmD, DABAT, FAACT - Chair
Norton Lamb, Co-Chair
James Georgitis, MD, FACS – Secretary
Sean Burke
Scott Draeger
Jane E. Eberle
Laurence Gross
Tracy Hawkins
Nancy Hasenfus
Tracy Hawkins
Trampas Hutches
Gwendolyn Mahon
Joel Merry
Kasey Moss
John Lamar Quarles
David Riccio
Laura Schaeffer, Esq.
William H. Stiles, Esq.
Lucy Tucker
Ex Officio:
Kelly Barton, MPH/FACHE, MBH President
Kelly Elkins, COO, MaineHealth
Katie Fullam Harris, MaineHealth Chief Government Affairs Officer