George M Babikian, MD
- Orthopaedic Surgery

I have been a surgeon since 1981, a general surgeon specializing in trauma for the first 7 years, an orthopedic surgeon for the last 30 years. I have had the opportunity to care for and get to know seemingly innumerable patients, for which I am grateful. They have been my teachers, and when reduced to a single sentence, the greatest lesson that I have learned is to take the time and expend the enormous effort necessary to become as skilled as possible in performing the procedures patients come to me for. It is the quality of the operation that most determines outcome, and is where my efforts are focused. Since 2006 I have specialized in hip replacement, pioneering a procedure and process that has radically changed the expectations around what is possible as regards recovery and ultimate function for the joint replacement patient. By doing clean and atraumatic surgery, by restoring the hip anatomy, precisely, and by placing well fixed implants accurately, we have provided patients a reliable and rapid recovery that assessed objectively is among a select few of the national leaders. We will continue to work to perfect the process.