Matthew Driscoll
207-391-6462 /
As MaineHealth Care at Home (MHCAH) faces an increasing demand for urgent clinical care in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we gratefully acknowledge a generous $15,000 gift from community members Erik and MaryJo van der Kaay to support telehealth expansion.
The award was used to purchase an unrestricted number of licenses for Health Recovery Solutions’ (HRS) PatientConnect Mobile, a telehealth platform that allows patients to utilize their own devices to manage their health condition(s) with the support of trained telehealth clinicians at MHCAH. This platform enables telehealth nurses to monitor a patient’s health condition, allows video and text connectivity between patients and clinicians, and provides education and video clips on disease conditions to include COVID-19. This platform utilizes our current telehealth structure and effectively increases the potential patient base that we can support. Patients will not be charged for services that include the software, video consultations, and monitoring services from expert telehealth nurses.
In light of concerns regarding the possible spread of the virus that may result from in-person home health visits, the utilization of telehealth supported with nursing interventions is an essential step in slowing the spread of the virus.
If you wish to contribute to this emergent cause, please visit Your donation can be dedicated to MHCAH or other MaineHealth organizations. To support specific MaineHealth Care at Home programs, please visit
To learn more, please contact us at 800-660-4867.