Maine Medical Center
Providers conferencing over a hospital bed

Research & Conferences

Fellow Research

The division of infectious diseases is involved in an increasing spectrum of research projects. In addition to a long history of research projects in the epidemiology and biology of vector-borne disease, the division has developed active research projects in areas ranging from antimicrobial stewardship to the infectious disease complications of opioid use disorder.

Second-year fellows are encouraged to develop their own research project with appropriate faculty supervision drawn from the division of infectious diseases, the MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR), or in collaboration with other divisions. Interprofessional work is encouraged, and there are opportunities to work with medical students and residents on scholarly projects. Fellows can work with the Center for Interdisciplinary Population and Health Research; the MHIR also provides supervision and a laboratory setting for the application of molecular biology and immunology to infectious disease research.


The Fellows have a weekly didactic series with presentations from our Infectious Disease attendings and pharmacists. They also regularly participate in a journal club session with all faculty.

We have a weekly case-based conference with case presentations prepared by fellows, residents, and students, and case discussion participation from all faculty plus invited infectious disease physicians from across the state. Quarterly, we meet during this time slot with the Maine CDC to review recent public health concerns in a collaborative environment. 

Additionally, there is a weekly interprofessional meeting after the Gilman Clinic (providing HIV care) session to review cases and provide specific education on topics related to HIV. 

Finally, fellows are expected to attend the Advanced Fellow Seminar monthly, offered to all fellows at Maine Medical Center. Here, the topics range from financial planning to practice in value-based care arrangements to presentation skills.