Medicaid | MaineCare | NH Medicaid

Do you have health insurance through Medicaid (known as MaineCare in Maine and NH Medicaid in New Hampshire)? Be sure to renew so you can continue to receive the care you need.

NEW: Medicaid renewal requirement

During the COVID-19 pandemic, some Medicaid requirements were temporarily suspended to ensure access to care. Now, Medicaid is restarting the normal renewal process. That means you must renew your MaineCare or NH Medicaid coverage, or risk losing benefits. The first step is to make sure your contact information is up to date, especially if your address has changed since 2020.

  • Step 1: Update your contact information
  • Step 2: Keep an eye out for your renewal form which will arrive via email or mail 
    • Complete and return the renewal form before the listed due date. Renewals will be sent by mail or email between April 2023 and May 2024.

No longer eligible for Medicaid? MaineHealth is here to help.

After submitting your renewal form, you may receive notification that you no longer qualify for Medicaid benefits. Most people can find a new plan through their employer or the health insurance marketplace. You can start the enrollment process yourself at:

MaineHealth is here to help if you need assistance with this process. Call MaineHealth's Access to Care team at 207-662-7930 or 1-833-284-8816 or email

Maine (MaineCare) FAQs

Changes are happening with MaineCare. MaineHealth can help!

New Hampshire (NH Medicaid) FAQs

Changes are happening with NH Medicaid. MaineHealth can help!