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Assisted Listening Devices

An assisted listening device can help you hear better. Our audiologists provide complete hearing care, including helping you find the right ALD for your needs.


Basic Metabolic Panel

A Basic Metabolic Panel is a group of blood tests that measures your glucose (sugar), electrolytes and how well your kidneys are working.


Capsule Endoscopy

Capsule endoscopy uses a tiny video camera to record images of the small intestine. Patients swallow a vitamin-size pill with a wireless camera inside.



Heart specialists at MaineHealth evaluate, diagnose and treat arrhythmias, which are abnormal heart rhythms.



Cataracts, the clouding of the eye’s lens, can be treated, making it easier to see. At MaineHealth, we have highly trained specialists who treat cataracts.


Complete Blood Count

A complete blood count (CBC) test can be used screen for a range of conditions and diseases, such as bleeding problems, leukemia, infection, anemia and others.


Deep Brain Stimulation

Maine Medical Center Neuroscience Institute in Portland has the only deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapy in Maine.


Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is for people with suicidal thoughts and self harm. It works to improve quality of life through individual and group therapy.



Dialysis is an artificial way of cleansing your blood when your kidneys can no longer do it. Dialysis does not cure kidney failure.


Ear, Nose & Throat Care | Otolaryngology

MaineHealth ear, nose and throat doctors (ENTs) treat a variety of conditions in adults and children.